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Baby it's warm outside....🎶🎶

My goodness!  This winter has been a strange one!  We recently got a big dump of snow followed by some warm weather.  

This morning it was just beautiful outside and so warm that I was comfortable in my Sunday morning housewear (shorts...haha!) when I went out to let the girls out of their coop and into their run.  

Things are quite damp and soggy because of the rapid melt off when we get days like today.  There are still big piles of snow everywhere and they are shrinking by the minute which means flowing water and mud.  I like to joke that we have a 5th season that happens two times of the year, once before snow fall and once after.  It's called "Mud Season".  *Note to self....get new mud boots*

The girls are loving this warm sunny weather!  It is so good for them after we had such a cold frigid winter.  Sunlight will be good for their egg production and overall health.  Buckbeak is loving the warm weather too and every morning he jumps in the air and flaps his wings to stretch and prepare for his morning duty (crowing to welcome the day).  

Off I go dreaming of seed catelogs and warm dirt while I muck out the coop!

Have a warm day!


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