Baby it's warm outside....🎶🎶
My goodness! This winter has been a strange one! We recently got a big dump of snow followed by some warm weather. This morning it was...

Sad Morning....
This morning I went out to let the chickens out for the day and I discovered something had killed one of the hens during the night. I...

Combining the "flocks"...
So we finally joined what was left of our old flock (Zebra, Brownie and our rooster Buckbeak) with our new flock of 30 hens. We had them...

Pumpkin Fun!
We grew our own pumpkins this year and had so many left over it worked out perfect for the chickens. Today I cut about 8-10 big holes in...

Winter is coming!
So, winter is on it's way and I am not ready! I still have plenty to do in the yard and coop to get totally prepared for what winter may...

The "New Girls on the Block"!
The girls are here! It took us nearly two weeks longer than we had anticipated, but they are here and all settled in. We are VERY happy...

Chicken First-Aid...
Last week while bringing in the chickens for the night, I noticed smears of blood on the back of one of our white hens. I was...

Happy Hens and Buckbeak!
Check out the gang enjoying a brief moment of winter sunshine.....

Dr. Seuss Day!
Dr. Seuss Day is March 2nd! You won't want to miss out on celebrating the wonderful world of Dr. Seuss and we can help you with that! We...

We are NOW selling eggs!
Announcing - We are now selling our eggs! It took me a while to get a handle on how many eggs we would be using personally and how many...