from the hen house
About the Flock...
We currently have Lohmann Brown laying hens. We are so incredibly happy with them as they are extremly friendly! A few have even made daring adventures in "walk-about" outside of their protected area! We really enjoy their sweet temperment and get a kick out of their personalities! ~H~ has a blast walking around their hen run as they follow behind her waiting for whatever she has for them whether it be a treat or just pets.
Our Gang!

These girls come in all shades of red/white/orange and each one is unique! We are extremly happy with their sweet temerment and friendlieness! I am so happy to have these girls in our flock!

Gotta love a fluffy butt!
Our Old Gang
The Oddball Sisters
We often refer to them as the oddball sisters because they are a mixed/mystery breed, but ~H~ has now named them "Zebra" and "Brownie". The lady we bought them from thought they had the potential to lay the blue-green eggs that the Araucana chickens lay. We couldn't wait to see what these girls lay! To our surprise, "Zebra" lays the sweetest little brown eggs and the other "Brownie" lays olive green eggs!
*Update - March 22, 2018 - These girls are still going strong. We continue to love the quality of eggs they both lay and are very happy seeing them exploring what this spring has to offer!
Meet Buckbeak, our rooster! He is named after a character in the J.K. Rowling book "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban". H's Uncle came up with the name. It was actually the first name he came up with and it was so perfect it stuck!
Buckbeak is a Chantecler rooster.
H likes to say he has "cute eyes" when he looks up at you. He really is a sweet rooster. I hope as he ages he will continue to be gentle and friendly. H really likes him and enjoys feeding him treats by hand.
What a handsome boy, don't you think?
Update - June 2017 Buckbeak passed away. His presence and crow are deeply missed! There is a hole left by his passing and we are not in any rush to "replace" him. He was a sweet yet shy rooster and we are very sad he is no longer with us.