from the hen house
About US

Hello and welcome to our site!
We are a Mother-Daughter chicken caretaker team. I grew up around chickens (they were my brother's, I had the sheep) and have always loved their sounds and personalities. As my daughter got older we decided it was time to try chickens, so we - along with my everything chicken obcessed Father-In-Law - began working on the old decomissioned chicken coop and run. We had quite the job ahead of us to rebuild the run and get the coop ready. After working on it for 5 days, a few hours each day we were finally finished.
In June 2016 we bought 30 Lohmann Brown hens to add to our two unknown/mystery breed hens and our big sweet Chantecler rooster (Buckbeak).
UPDATE: Sad news, Buckbeak is no longer with us, he passed away June 2017. We are so sad. His presence in the coop and his crow is deeply missed.
Come back for more! I add posts/updates to the chicken blog every few months.
**For more infomation on our flock, check out the "about the flock" page.**